Blog Tour Review: The Narrow by Kate Alice Marshall

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

A powerful novel with strong lessons about self-worth

Thank you so much to TBR and Beyond Tours and Kate Alice Marshall for allowing me to be part of this experience and also providing me with a complimentary book and media kit!

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Blog Tour Review: DeadEndia (#1 & #2) by Hamish Steele

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Amazing found family vibes mixed with horror, fantasy, and humor.

Thank you so much to TBR and Beyond Tours and Hamish Steele for allowing me to be part of this experience and also providing me with a complimentary copy and media kit!

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Book Review: Halloween Girl Book One: Promises to Keep by Richard T. Wilson

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

A series full of intriguing and complex stories and characters

Book Information

Book CWs: For a list of content/trigger warnings, tropes, and representation found in this book, check out its page on!

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Book Review: Can You Survive Dracula? by Ryan Jacobson

Rating: 4 out of 5.

A choose-your-own adventure novel that is a great introduction or refresher for Dracula by Bram Stoker

Book CWs: For a list of content/trigger warnings, tropes, and representation found in this book, check out its page on!

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Blog Tour Review: Hell Followed with Us by Andrew Joseph White

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

A post-apocalyptic/dystopian religious horror novel reminiscent of Resident Evil.

Thank you so much to TBR and Beyond Tours and Andrew Joseph White for allowing me to be part of this experience and also providing me with a complimentary ARC and media kit!

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Blog Tour Review: Summer’s Edge by Dana Mele

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I had no idea where this book was going and I honestly still don’t know how to feel about it.

Thank you so much to TBR and Beyond Tours and Dana Mele for allowing me to be part of this experience and also providing me with a complimentary ARC and media kit!

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Blog Tour Review: Primal Animals by Julia Lynn Rubin

Rating: 3 out of 5.

A horror novel full of insects and suspense that will leave your skin crawling

Thank you so much to TBR and Beyond Tours and Julia Lynn Rubin for allowing me to be part of this experience and also providing me with a complimentary eARC and media kit!

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#TheWriteReads #UltimateBlogTour Review: Dread Wood by Jennifer Killick

Rating: 4 out of 5.

This Middle Grade horror novel was a blast to read!

Thank you so much to The Write Reads and Farshore for allowing me to be part of this experience and also providing me with a complimentary eARC and media kit!

Purchase this book (affiliate link): Amazon

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