Thrift Store Book Haul: January 21, 2023

My partner and I went to an indie bookstore and two thrift stores this past weekend. I’ve been trying to buy fewer books lately, and I managed to not buy books from two out of the three stores. BUT the third store (one of the thrift stores) was GIVING ALL OF THEIR BOOKS AWAY FOR FREE so I technically didn’t buy them!

Here are the books I bought along with their blurbs and Amazon affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This comes at no additional cost to you.

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My 2022 Bookish Christmas Gifts

I know we’re almost a month away from Christmas, but I’m finally getting around to cataloging the books I recently received/bought over the winter break.

If you didn’t already know, every Christmas my family asks me to make an Amazon Wishlist of gifts I want. As you might imagine, both me and my partner list a few books every year. In this post, I’ll take you through the books that he and I received from each other and our loved ones.

You can click on any of the titles below to purchase the book on Amazon using my affiliate link. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This comes at no additional cost to you.

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The Sunshine Blogger Award (Part 1)

I was tagged on this several times starting in 2020 and I’m finally getting to it! Thank you to Ashley, Livy, Kate, Ellie Mai, and Kerri for tagging me!

Since I was tagged by several people who all have different questions, I’ll have to combine the questions and split this into multiple posts (so that it doesn’t get too long). Sorry it took me so long to respond!

What Is The Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive, and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.

How Does It Work?

  • Thank the blogger (s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

The Questions

What is your favorite genre to read?

I’m a fan of most YA genres and I’m also a huge fan of new adult/adult romance novels.

What nonfiction book(s) are your favorite?

I don’t really read non-fiction but I have slowly been reading more and more. So far my favorite would probably be Stamped by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X Kendi.

Do you read multiple books at once or just one?

I try to read one at a time but lately I’ve been starting several books at once. I’m part of several book club/blog tours every month so that contributes to reading more than one book at a time.

What other hobbies do you have besides reading?

I enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles, though we typically listen to an audiobook while we do them. I also enjoy going for walks and watching movies, shows, hockey, and football.

Do you have a reading goal for 2020? If so, how is it going?

LOL I’ll change this question to 2022 to account for my failure to post this in 2020. My reading goal for this year is 100 books and I’ve already read 99 lol. I guess I should have aimed higher?

What prompted you to create a blog?

It was the fact that my memory is horrible. I would read books and then forget a month later whether I liked them or what about them I liked/didn’t like. I figured that starting a blog where I write reviews of the books would encourage me to remember my experiences.

What is your favorite trope?

I love hate-to-love/enemies-to-lovers in romance novels. I don’t know why but the angst and the pining is amazing.

What is your least favorite trope?

I absolute despise the love triangle trope. I hate it so so so much and it can sour any reading experience I’m having regardless of how good the book is. I really don’t know why it’s so popular still because I haven’t met anyone who likes it (I’ve met a few who are indifferent).

What fictional world would you like to visit?

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Basically all the worlds I’m thinking about right now are dystopias so I probably shouldn’t want to visit one of those BUT if I did have to, I think I would like to visit the world in The Kingdom by Jess Rothenberg. There’s like a Disney Land type of theme park that sounds like it could be fun if you ignore all the terrible things going on behind closed doors.

What book disappointed you this year?

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How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days sounded like it was going to be right up my alley as an adult romance novel. Unfortunately it was incredibly unrealistic and the main characters were hot messes. It felt like they were teenagers but they were actually in their 40s I believe.

What is your favorite cover from 2020?

I’m going to change this to 2022 but the book I chose is actually one I read in 2020 AND 2022. I’m not actually sure if this question means the book was supposed to be published in 2020/2022 but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro has a gorgeous cover so it’s what I decided to choose. I put my Instagram photos of the cover above. You can follow me there @jenjenreviews.

What is the most recent book that you added to your TBR?

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I honestly somehow don’t remember adding this book to my TBR, even though it says I added it on the 8th of this month. It’s not out yet so maybe I was trying to remind myself to preorder it.

How do you add books to your TBR?

It’s mostly books that I see either when I’m exploring stores or scrolling through Instagram and Twitter. I’m a huge cover buyer so if the cover is gorgeous, I’m likely to add it to my TBR.

I’m also a subscriber to several book boxes so those books automatically get added to my TBR.

What was your most recent 5 star read? And why was it 5 stars?

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I read this in March for a blog tour and it was so good! I have an entire blog post dedicated to it so you can read about my thoughts here.

Favourite TV series to binge and where can I find it?

Supernatural is a series that I’ve rewatched from the beginning like 6 times. I haven’t caught up though (I’m currently in season 11 with Rob and the furthest I got on my own before starting it from the beginning with him was Season 13 episode 6.

As for where you can watch it: it’s on Netflix!

What book/series would you love to get an adaptation?

I would like to see an adaptation of Truly, Devious because I’m a huge fan of mysteries. It’s also one of the few series that I actually read all the way through. Most of the time I end up kind of burning out mid-series and not finishing it.

Which adaptation do you hate the most?

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I remember absolutely hating the adaptation for Eragon by Christopher Paolini when I watched it. I also hated Twilight when I watched that adaptation but it’s now one of my favorite things to hate-watch.

What is your most anticipated release of 2021?

I suppose this should be changed to 2023. The short answer is that I have no idea. I’m horrible at keeping track of book releases and since we’re only in June right now, it seems too early for me to know.

Favourite thing to snack on whilst reading?

I don’t have a favorite reading snack because I don’t like to eat and read and if I do, I usually just eat whatever is around me at the time. I’m too clumsy and messy to try and eat anything complicated while reading.

Who’s an author you haven’t read but would love to?

I’ve never read any Sarah J Maas but I’m not sure I’d “love” to read her since I’ve heard a lot of mixed reviews of both her and her books.

What is your favourite thing about reading?

I enjoy getting lost in the lives of random made up characters. Life is a mess and so if a book can capture me enough to make me forget about it, it’s an amazing experience.

What was the last book that surprised you?

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Before Takeoff was a book I literally just read last week and it was absolutely bonkers in the best way possible. It’s like Jumanji if Jumanji were a contemporary romance novel. You can read my full review here.

What is your favourite book series?

I don’t have one because I don’t actually have many favorite things and I have a really bad habit of not finishing series (woops). I’ll name The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater here since it’s one that I managed to finish that one and enjoyed it quite a lot.

Is the book always better than the film?

I’d say with everything that I’ve watched, this is true. However, I think it’s not a fact but rather a common occurrence. Books and film are totally different mediums for how to tell a story so they’re going to have to differ a lot. I think a lot of people don’t keep this in mind and focus on difference more than they should.

What was the last book you DNFed?

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I don’t DNF books often so I’m having a hard time remembering. It might have been Fool Me Twice at Christmas by Camilla Isley. It was promoted as a cute fake dating story but the main character was literally cheating on her boyfriend and I couldn’t handle it. I ended up having to switch to a spotlight for this blog tour.

What is your favourite setting for a book?

I don’t have a favorite setting but I think I’m a fan of workplace/school settings. I’m not 100% sure though.

What title would you choose for your own autobiography?

OH MY GOD. I was literally thinking about this question a few months ago when I was toying with the idea of trying to write one for my future self. I couldn’t come up with a good title though so I still don’t know.

What 3 things would a book need to include to make it a must-read for you?

  1. A beautiful cover
  2. A romance without a love triangle
  3. An interesting premise

Which genre do you like least and why?

I’m not a fan of fantasy because I often find that they’re too wordy and I get bored of them very easily. I’ve tried a few of them and got mixed reactions so I’m still trying to figure out how to determine which ones I should read or not.

What’s been the most popular post on your blog?

Technically it’s the Trope-ical Readathon Information page, but that probably doesn’t count. The next non-readathon post that’s the most popular is my review for With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo. Shoutout to Dave from TheWriteReads because he’s the reason that post has so much love.

Which are your favourite book blogs to visit?

All of my TWR gang! We have a group chat on Twitter where we share our blog posts so I’m most often on their blogs.

Disclaimer: Most posts made on this blog will include affiliate links, identified by the phrase (affiliate link). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This comes at no additional cost to you.

The Romance Reader Book Tag

Hello everyone! I was tagged by Books Are 42 to do this post. Thanks so much, Ashlee, for tagging me!

I’m not sure who started this tag, but if you know, please say so in the comments! Alright, let’s get started.

What age did you start reading romance novels?

I’m actually fairly new to the romance game. I had been reading YA novels that featured romance for a while, but I only got into the romance genre around 3 years ago. That means I would have been around 25 years old.

If you could pick one hero to meet from your favourite romance novels who would it be and why?
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I’m bad at doing these kinds of questions because I can never remember characters when asked about it. I do know that I would love to meet a character with a good sense of humor. Going off of a romance novel I recently read, I might go with Dan from A Brush With Love by Mazey Eddings. He might not have been the funniest of romantic leads, but his relationship with Harper was one of the cutest things ever. He seems like a really good guy.

Who are your favourite romance authors and why?

I am a huge fan of Casey McQuiston solely because of how much I enjoyed Red, White & Royal Blue. I also read One Last Stop a few months ago and enjoyed it (though not as much). Other romance authors I’ve rated 4.5 or five stars include Talia Hibbert, Alexis Hall, Becky Albertalli, Paullett Golden, Jules Wake, Ali Hazelwood, and Sally Thorne.

What is a favourite romance novel to re-read?
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I’ve been meaning to re-read Red, White & Royal Blue for a while. I also want to reread The Hating Game because I am interested in watching the adaptation.

What book would you recommend to a non-romance reader?
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I would definitely want to go for a tamer romance novel, because some readers might not be prepared for the level of steaminess that some romance novels have. I would probably lean more towards contemporary with romance and suggest Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell.

I rated this one 4.5 stars and it was only because Rainbow Rowell did my favorite character so dirty at only point and I still don’t understand why it was necessary.

Which is your favourite: contemporary, suspense, or historical and why?

CONTEMPORARY 100%. I’m not a fan of historical romances because a lot of them are regency romances where there’s misogyny and classism. I also avoid a lot of suspense romance because those like to include abuse/sexual assault. Contemporary romance is a genre that I can find a nice comfort read in to just relax and enjoy.

Thanks for reading! I tag anyone interested! Feel free to link back to this post so I can see yours!

Disclaimer: Most posts made on this blog will include affiliate links, identified by the phrase (affiliate link). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This comes at no additional cost to you.

The Cat Markings Book Tag

Hello everyone! I was tagged by Kerri over at Kerri McBookNerd! Thanks for tagging me!

This tag was originally created by Laura at The Corner of Laura. Let’s go!

The Rules

  • Link back to the original creator (The Corner of Laura) and link back to this page (otherwise, the original creator won’t get a notification).
  • Thank whoever tagged you and link back to their post
  • (Optional) Use the graphics and don’t forget to credit the original creator (The graphics were also created by Laura @ The Corner of Laura)
  • (Optional) Tag 5 or more other people.


The Things She’s Seen (published as Catching Teller Crow in other countries) by Ambelin Kwaymullina and Ezekiel Kwaymullina is one of the greatest books I’ve ever read and I only bought it because it was on sale at Barnes & Noble. I haven’t seen anyone on Book Twitter or Bookstagram talking about this book and I want to scream at everyone to read it. GO READ IT!

I’m reading a non-fiction book right now about “invisible illnesses” and it’s really interesting. In particular, these first chapters are talking about the author’s experience with being diagnosed with an auto-immune disease. The book is The Invisible Kingdom by Meghan O’Rourke. Another book that has great disability representation from an ownvoices author is The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang.

This is so difficult because when I reread The Hunger Games trilogy, I re-fell in love with Peeta Mellark, but I also will always have a soft spot for Ronan Lynch from The Raven Cycle and The Dreamers Trilogy. I’d have to say they’re probably tied for different reasons.

Samantha Wishaw from the Hedgehog Hollow series is such a lovely person. She is kind to everyone she encounters, regardless of how they treat her in return. I’ve read the first two books in the series and it’s just devastating how rude her mother is to her considering how great of a person she is.

There are so many friendship dynamics that I love! Recently, I read A Brush with Love by Mazey Eddings and the main character’s best friend, Thu, was an absolute joy. I would love to have a friend like that.

I’m trying to think about books that I’ve read that have a giant party in them and I’m coming up blank lol. I’ll go with Alex Claremont-Diaz from Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston because he’s such an idiot and I love him so much. He would 100% cause a bunch of drama at a party and I’d be there laughing and eating my popcorn.

I love the squad from The Raven Cycle but I also absolutely love the squad from the Truly Devious Series and since I’ve already named people from The Raven Cycle in this tag, I’ll go with the Truly Devious Series. That group of friends are both different and similar in so many ways and I really like how they bounce their energies off of each other.

Thanks for reading! I tag anyone interested in doing this! Feel free to link back to this post so that I can read yours!

Bookish Scenarios Book Tag

Hello everyone! I was tagged by AndOnSheReads back in October and I’m finally getting around to doing this. Thanks so much for tagging me!

This tag was started by LindsayHeartsBooks on YouTube.

You have to get rid of all your books and you can only keep ONE from each of these genres: Contemporary, fantasy, nonfiction and one other of your choosing. What books do you keep?

Omg this is so difficult. I’m going to go based off of my initial gut feelings.

Contemporary: I’m going to assume this has to be straight up contemporary and not like a contemporary horror or contemporary mystery or something. I’ll probably go with Anxious People, which is one of the best books I’ve read. I wasn’t much a fan of the Netflix adaptation though.

Fantasy: I really want to say The Name of the Star because it’s the book that I’ve read the most amount of times in my life, but I don’t think it’s classified as a fantasy. I’ll go with The Raven Boys.

Non-Fiction: I don’t really read non-fiction books, so this is kind of a difficult choice. Am I allowed to choose a text book? I’d probably want to grab a random graduate level book on number theory if so.

Wildcard: I’m going to choose House of Leaves for this one specifically because I know that each time you read it, it’s an entirely different experience. On top of that, there’s a bunch of hidden messages/codes throughout the novel so I think it would keep me busy for a long time.

You’re at the book store and you can hear a teenager telling their mother they don’t like to read, but their mother insists they pick something. You walk over and recommend a book you think is great for people who aren’t big on reading – what book is it?

If I hear that someone isn’t big on reading, especially if they’re a teenager, I’d probably recommend a graphic novel first. I read a lot of manga before I really got into novels. One of my favorite series is Case Closed, so I might go with that.

You’re not feeling yourself and need a pick me up. Which book do you read to put yourself in a good mood?

The Name of the Star is my go to comfort read. I’ve read it probably around 6+ times (though most of those rereads were via audiobook), so I’d probably put on the audiobook for another good reread session.

You go back in time for a day to your teenage years. What book would you most likely have caught yourself reading?

I’m going to say Twilight because I was obsessed with that book during my freshman year of high school (I’m sorry!).

Your friend surprises you with a four day trip and you have one hour to pack. Which book do you bring to read on the way?

Why do I only get to bring one book??? I need like 4! I guess I’m currently trying to make it through Dune so I’ll go ahead and say that book.

Your house has been robbed! Don’t worry – everyone is safe but your bookshelf has been raided. What’s the book you really hope is safe?

I don’t know if I’d overly worry about one specific book, but I do know that I would be upset if it were any book that I have personalized specifically to me. I have a few books that were mailed to me directly from the author so they have a dedicated signature/note at the front. I would hate to lose any of those.

Your friend borrows a book and returns it in awful condition. Do you A) Just pretend you haven’t noticed, B) Ask them to repurchase it, or C) Secretly do the same thing to something of theirs?

I would do none of these, but I guess the closest option would be (A). What I would actually do is ask them what the heck happened to the book and see what the explanation is. The friend may even offer to repurchase it at that point, but if they don’t then I’d probably just try to get a new copy at some point myself.

Thanks for reading! I tag: