Blog Tour Spotlight: See You on Venus by Victoria Vinuesa

Today I have a tour spotlight for you! In this post I’ll take you through the blurb and about the author. If you’d like to follow along with the tour, you can find the full tour schedule here.

Note: I signed up to review this book but got sick for over a week, and didn’t feel well enough to read during that time. Hopefully you’ll see a full review from me soon!

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Blog Tour Spotlight: Mercury’s Shadow by PJ Garcin

Today I have a tour spotlight for you! In this post I’ll take you through the blurb and about the author. If you’d like to follow along with the tour, you can find the full tour schedule here.

Mercury’s Shadow placed 14th in the Book Bloggers’ Novel of the Year (BBNYA) 2022 competition out of over 200 entries! If you’d like to know more about this competition for indie/self-published books, check out the BBNYA website. I’ve also included a bit of information down below. Entries are currently open for the 2023 round, so if you’re an indie author interested in entering your book or a book reviewer interested in being a panelist, sign up before it’s too late!

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Cover Reveal: Fight for Freedom by Marisa Noelle

Today I have another cover reveal!

Fight for Freedom is a fantasy novel that is being released at the end of March 2023. It is the third book in The Mermaid Chronicles by Marisa Noelle, an author that I’ve read and reviewed in the past.

Without further ado, here is the cover! Want to know more about this book and its author? Scroll down for more info!

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Mercury’s Shadow by PJ Garcin: Tour Schedule

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!

TheWriteReads‘ tour for Mercury’s Shadow by PJ Garcin begins tomorrow!

To help you all follow along with the tour, I’ll be listing the tour schedule (using the reviewer’s Twitter or Instagram username) below along with links to where you should be able to find the posts on that day.

Mercury’s Shadow placed 14th in the Book Bloggers’ Novel of the Year (BBNYA) 2022 competition out of over 200 entries! If you’d like to know more about this competition for indie/self-published books, check out the BBNYA website. I’ve also included a bit of information down below. Entries are currently open for the 2023 round, so if you’re an indie author interested in entering your book or a book reviewer interested in being a panelist, sign up before it’s too late!

If you’re interested in subscribing to TheWriteReads’ mailing list for information on future tours, click here!

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